Why do you identify with a cactus fruit?

Well, first off, because we are both desert creatures. Well, plants. Aaaand because … both of us respond well to opportunity. The cactus only flowers and fruits when there is the water for it and then it does it very very quickly to take advantage of the opportunity. And I´m also good at …taking opportunities to …basically when I get the resources to do what I need to do I try very hard to use that moment instead of counting on always having resources. And, also, because like they look friendly and approachable from the outside. You know, they are lovely and they have got this taut skin and they are red but then you touch them, then they are covered with these hair like spines that work their way under your skin. So you have to be very careful with them. And – they take a lot of work because this pulp, they have these inedible seeds and everything that´s useful is kind of around them. So it takes a whole lot of work to get anything pleasant or useful out of them. And I think that´s a good metaphor for me.

But it´s a good fruit, once you make it to the edible part…

Yeah, then you learn how to handle them and learn what to do with them. Take the time and yes it´s worthwhile. But if you just want something fast, and easy and pleasant – it´s not me (laughter).


Jodie gave me the opportunity getting beyond the pulp and seeds on a pleasant walk close to Arizona State University where she did part of her research within the “Educating Future Change Agents” project ( http://educatingchangeagents.org ).